8 replies to “The Unicorn.

      1. So far, so good. We have the mother-in-la here to provide some safety from the seniors’ residence where the virus runs rampant once it gets in. No one knows how long this will last so we all have to make the best of it. Good to know we have unicorns to nibble on if we get hungry. Stay safe!


        1. I’m sure your mother-in-law is VERY happy to be with you. You’re the best! (I did have malted-milkballs, but they have a shorter life span then unicorns and peanuts around here.)

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Bedankt! Nu weet je hoe ik mijn tijd heb doorgebracht terwijl ik op mijn plaats schuilde. Ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat, blijf veilig!


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