So supposedly some groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow recently. That, I’m told, means that we will not have another six weeks of winter. I’m totally in favor of that.

I’m not going to get too excited though, apparently in the last ten years the groundhog has been less accurate than a coin toss.

A town in Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney, somehow became known as the only place in the country with board certified groundhogs. In doing a little research, I found that this is a hoax perpetuated by the Eastern United States Groundhog Association. It seems that Groundhogs in different parts of the country can predict totally different weather outcomes for their area. I’m attaching a link about the Groundhog’s Day malarky and you can come to your own conclusions.


As for myself, I’m just going to buy one of those little “eight balls” and see what the future will bring.


6 replies to “A GROUNDHOG SAID WHAT??

  1. It is so silly! Where I live, Winter stays until May regardless of what the groundhogs say. And it isn’t unheard of to get snow in June or July.


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