
james dean

James Dean…an American actor and icon. He spent his younger years growing up on a farm in Fairmount,Indiana. We took a road trip this summer and visited Fairmount, passing this art gallery on the way to find lunch. It was a hot, still day and in some ways a little eerie.

The video below is about an hour long, but it’s intriguing. James became one of the hottest stars in Hollywood at a very young age and with his gorgeous looks,also became quite the sex symbol.He was a HUGE fan of race cars and speed and tragically died as the result of a car accident while driving a Porsche 550 Spyder. There’s always been myth and mystery surrounding the car and it’s disappearance after his death.

We’re a family who appreciates beautiful cars, no football for us, bring on the occasional car show.

Every year there’s a big car show in Fairmount, where James is buried and it’s very busy, very crowded. 

We wanted to cruise through the small town when the festival WASN’T taking place and it was soooo quiet, probably very much like it was when James Dean lived there. 

I know, this is really different from my normal posts, but it’s time to shake things up a little. Aaaaccckkk! This could be a disaster, lol!


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