Mr. Mom

I’ve spent years photographing birds, and I feel like an idiot. It never registered with me that mama lays the eggs, but dad does the child rearing! Mama might be off building a new nest for her next batch of eggs, while dad takes over with the current brood. He sits on the eggs, keeping them warm and finishes the process of bringing new life into the world. Once the little ones have arrived, dad shoulders the responsibility of finding and delivering food.

It’s not the same with every species. Some birds trade off, mom keeps the eggs warm for a time, then dad takes over, they raise their brood together. As always, I have a LOT to learn.

A bluebird dad gets up close and personal with junior. I have no idea what this discussion was about, but I’m pretty sure junior didn’t borrow the car and bring it back on empty.

I can’t help wondering how my son would react if his father stood on his back and force fed him a peanut.

This goldfinch father seems to have been doing a good job of providing food for baby, it seems like it’s bigger than dad! I admire dad a lot… it has to be hard to concentrate on the job at hand with someone standing on your tail feathers.

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